Holistic Pet Info.com Affiliate
Holistic Pet Info.com Affiliate

Contact information

Email: julie_andrus@holisticpetinfo.com

Telephone: 877-573-8227, ext. 2

Holistic Pet Info supports shelters and rescue organizations..
- - Attention all rescue groups, animal shelters, pet healthcare websites or just animal lovers in general - -

If you have a website dedicated to dogs and/or cats, we'd love to have you refer visitors to our site. If you are a shelter or rescue operation, Holistic Pet Info will donate a portion of our sales to your group.

After reading through pages of our website, we think you'll agree that Holistic Pet Info.com contains helpful information for using natural medicines to treat many common animal conditions. We are proud to offer high quality products from some of the best manufacturers in the industry. Plus our customer service is unsurpassed!

So why not refer your website visitors and members of your organization to Holistic Pet Info.com. They will be glad you did.

Affiliate Partners earn cash each time one of their website visitors purchase products from Holistic Pet Info.com.

If you have a high traffic site or just want to let your members, friends or colleagues know about the great products we offer, sign up today to become an Affiliate Partner.

As an Affiliate Partner, you simply refer your members, website visitors, friends and family to our site. We take care of the rest. No overhead or inventory to carry, no orders to process, no hassles. Just a check each month from Holistic Pet Info.com. What could be better!!

Becoming an affiliate is easy and rewarding. Just follow these steps:

Set up a New Affiliate Account on our Affiliates page.

Then, find a page on our website that you'd like to link to and copy the URL, adding the following code to the end of it: ?PARTNER=AffiliateID (Replace "AffiliateID" with the ID you set up in your account.)

For example, a link to our homepage would look like this:
<a href="http://www.holisticpetinfo.com/default.asp?Partner=AffiliateID">Holistic Pet Info </a>
It will appear like this: Holistic Pet Info

A link to one of the conditions pages would look like this:
<a href="http://www.holisticpetinfo.com/conditions/arthritis.htm?PARTNER=AffiliateID">Holistic Pet Info</a> carries excellent joint support products for animals.
It will appear like this:
Holistic Pet Info carries excellent joint support products for animals.

A link to a specific product page, say Arthroplex, like this: (Note that an & proceeds the word "PARTNER"
<a href="http://www.holisticpetinfo.com/proddetail.asp?prod=Arthroplex&PARTNER=AffiliateID">Arthroplex by Thorne Research</a> is an excellent supplement for pets with arthritis and can be purchased at www.HolisticPetInfo.com.

It will appear like this:
Arthroplex by Thorne Research is an excellent supplement for pets with arthritis and can be purchased at www.HolisticPetInfo.com.

A text link to our homepage, with a description of Holistic Pet Info would look like this:

<a href="http://www.holisticpetinfo.com/default.asp?Partner=AffiliateID">Holistic Pet Info </a>is a great source for natural products and medicine to keep your pets healthy and happy. Proceeds from sales benefit the (your rescue/shelter name here).

It will appear like this:
Holis tic Pet Info is a great source for natural products and medicine to keep your pets healthy and happy. Proceeds from sales benefit the (your rescue/shelter name here).

To insert an image or banner ad, see below for examples.

Once you have the link in place, you'll receive a 10% referral commission when someone from your website visits Holistic Pet Info and places an order.

The "affiliate cookie" is valid for 2 weeks, that means if someone is on your website and clicks on the link to Holistic Pet Info.com, they can come back to purchase a product within two weeks time and you will still receive a commission from the referral.

It's that easy. Click here to get started or contact us and we will take you through the steps to help get you up and running.

Image or Banner Ad Set Up

For a quick set up (after you have created an affiliate account), just copy the following code and paste it in your editor. Be sure to change "AffiliateID" to your affiliate id name.

If you want this image:

Paste this code:
<a href="http://www.holisticpetinfo.com/default.asp?PARTNER=AffiliateID"><img src="http://www.holisticpetinfo.com/images/HPI_affiliate_button_125x125.gif" alt="Click here" width="125" height="125" border="0"></a>

If you want this image:

Paste this code:
<a href="http://www.holisticpetinfo.com/default.asp?Partner=AffiliateID"><img src="http://www.holisticpetinfo.com/images/hpi_banner_ad.jpg" alt="Click here" width="468" height="60" border="0"></a>

Shelters and Rescues may want this image:

Paste this code:
<a href="http://www.holisticpetinfo.com/default.asp?Partner=AffiliateID"><img src="http://www.holisticpetinfo.com/images/hpi_banner_ad_rescue.jpg" alt="Click here" width="468" height="87" border="0"></a>

Contact information

Email: julie_andrus@holisticpetinfo.com

Telephone: 877-573-8227, ext. 2

(Feel free to use the image above as a link on your website-be sure to add your Partner ID to the link.)

Already an Affiliate Partner?
Click here to login and view recent activity.

Visit these Affiliate Partners and support their organizations:

Tri-State Weimaraner Rescue

Humane Society of Rome, New York

Golden Retriever Rescue of the Rockies

Cocker Spaniel/Small Dog Rescue of Central Florida

Whippet Rescue and Placement

Indiana Petite Paws Rescue Angels

Start earning money today by referring your website visitors to Holistic Pet Info -your online connection to high quality natural medicines, grooming aids and treats for pets.

Sign up for our Monthly Newsletter

Copyright © 2006-2009 Holistic Pet, Inc. Terms of Use

Maria Perez says: 2009-06-29 09:10:59
Hi Julie,
I don''t have a pet page but I install artificial grass and we are looking to offer our services to dog parks, shelters, groomers etc. I love organics and I would like to be an affliate.

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