Affiliate Program Affiliate Program
Join our affiliate program and earn cash by promoting our brand and products on your site. Every time you direct a consumer from your site to ours, you earn an a 5% commission on every purchase.
Our program is free to join and easy to use. As a Publisher, you place our links (e.g., banners, buttons, textual links and products) on your Web site. When a visitor to your site clicks on the link and makes a purchase at our site, you earn an 5% commission. We handle the entire shopping and buying experience. We outsource the management, tracking and reporting of our program, including links, to We alo offer a full product data feed for those wanting to promote specific products or large product feeds (learn more about data feeds below). Using a powerful tracking and reporting system called ConnectCommerce, you can easily access promotional links, detailed reporting and your earnings at any time.
Just complete this online application and get started. It's that easy!
You'll receive notification of your acceptance via e-mail (typically within 24 hours).
Login to your account to access Advertiser links (as soon as you receive approval).
Place the links on your site.
Start earning cash!
What is an affiliate product data feed ?
A product data feed is a large file filled with lots of information. More specifically, information about products.
What are affiliate data feeds used for ?
Affiliate data feeds are provided by merchants to affiliates to better promote and sell their products. Data feeds are converted into individual products and include descriptions, links for images, links for visitors to click, pricing and more. The affiliate can take the information in the feed and build individual pages for each product, or put multiple products on each page. An affiliate data feed may also enhance a site that already has some sort of specific content. Utilizing an affiliate data feed, means your site will have more exposure on the web through search engine results, and the higher number of pages published.
Advantages of using a data feed.
Using a data feed means more exposure on the web. More exposure for your affiliate site, and more exposure for the merchant’s products. Making affiliate web pages by hand can only be done so fast, after some time this method does result in more pages to be spidered by search engines, but is still limited since you can only manually add so many products in a day.
What makes our data feed unique?
We offer you access to thousands of products in diverse shopping categories such as baby and kids, home and garden, health and wellness, sports and fitness, kitchen, pets and more...
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