All Aboard Toys affiliate program
All Aboard Toys affiliate program
Why join an affiliate program?
As an affiliate, when you direct your visitors to All Aboard Toys through a product feed, text link, button or banner on your site, we will pay you a percentage of every purchase they make! You will receive up to 7% in commissions for every transaction that comes from your site depending on the quality of your links and your performance. You will not only be earning cash, but you will be driving traffic and establishing name recognition for your site. It's a great way to earn money and it's free!
We have teamed up with two leading affiliate programs, Kowabunga! and Commission Junction so that our affiliates are offered real-time tracking, reporting and monthly commission checks. There is no fee for you to sign up. Join now and start earning commissions on purchases. Why wait? It’s easy to join, easy to set-up, and most importantly, it works. The choice of programs is up to you. Some of the features are shown below.
Program Features
Text & Banner Links Yes Yes
Product Feeds Yes No
Base Commission 5% 5%
Sales Incentive Bonus* Yes No
Affiliate Marketing Support Coupons, Banners, Text Ads,
Anchor Text, and Keyword
Marketing Programs Limited
* Bonuses are based on use of certain anchor text and landing pages and by achieving monthly sales levels. Certain terms and conditions apply. Please sign up for program details.
Why All Aboard Toys?
Toys are big business! The online toy market is a $1.3 billion market (Source: according to The NPD Group, Inc.) And, All Aboard Toys is the premier independent online toy retailer in the world, offering over seventy (70) lines of quality toy brands, including: Bob the Builder, Barbie, Spider-Man, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Disney Pixar Cars, Disney Princess, Transformers, and Thomas the Tank Engine to name a few. Our affiliate strategy focuses on the brands and toys that parents, friends and grandparents are looking for online. Plus, All Aboard Toys has a 5-star Circle of Excellence rating on Bizrate...proof that our site, products and customer service are of the best quality.
To request more information regarding the Toy industry, please contact
How do I sign up?
To sign up with Kowabunga! or Commission Junction, you must fill out an application. Once you application is accepted, you can start selling All Aboard Toys products by selecting our button or banner for your site.
If you are already a Kowabunga! affiliate:
If you are already a Commission Junction affiliate:
Thank you for considering the All Aboard Toys affiliate program!
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All Aboard Toys is located in the United States and is the Official Store for
Trademarks are property of their respective owners. A Brand Performance Company.
