e Facilities Management and Solutions :: Affiliates
e Facilities Management and Solutions :: Affiliates

You can turn these relationships into an additional profit center for your business by simply referring our translation and localization services. Many companies have been able to create entirely new product extensions based on our services and affiliate program.

For example, you own a web site development company and are looking to expand your services to include foreign language site versions to your clients. E Facilities Management Translations will work with you behind the scenes to present, quote, and complete these projects for your client. This can be done transparently or directly through us. Either way you have just added a new revenue source to your company and strategically placed your company ahead of your competitors who cannot offer globalization services.

Please write to us at affiliates@efmands.com for queries regarding our affiliate program and business inquiries.

For further details about our services, please contact us at contact@efmands.com

All rights reserved. Copyright 2002-2004.
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