Kaplan Affiliate Program
Kaplan Affiliate Program

The kaptest.com Affiliate Program allows you to provide world-class educational resources and content to your users and generate revenue for your Web site.
The World Leader in Educational Services
Get Connected to the Name you Trust
Kaplan has been the leader in test preparation, admissions and tutoring for more than 60 years. With centers around the world and our extensive reach on the Internet through kaptest.com, Kaplan is the most recognized name in the industry.

Enhance Your Site
Enhance your site with Kaplan's vast resources. From high school to college, through graduate school to a professional career, kaptest.com offers comprehensive test prep and admissions programs, including online courses, live, center-based courses, private tutoring, and retail products. In addition, the site includes in-depth articles, special features, practice tools, and promotions.

Unlimited Earning Potential
It costs nothing to become an affiliate of kaptest.com. In fact, we pay YOU. You can earn commissions on sales of Kaplan products or services on our site that are completed through your links. From selling a $12 book to $5000 worth of private tutoring, you will generate revenue for your own site.

90 Day Return Feature
kaptest.com will give you 90 days for your customer to make a purchase. This means that if someone you send to our site comes back within 90 days of their initial visit, you will receive a commission on anything they purchase.*

Huge Selection of Merchandising Options
kaptest.com provides every affiliate with a wide array of merchandising tools, including tiles, buttons, banners, images and text links. With so many options from which to choose, you can decide which products or services best match the needs of your site users and enhance your commission opportunities.

Full Real-Time, User Reporting
Kaplan has partnered with LinkShare, the market leader in affiliate program technologies. Through our program, you will receive a username and password, providing you with access to real-time tracking and reporting on your commissions earned to date.

Timely Payouts
kaptest.com pays its affiliates on a monthly basis. Our monthly minimum is only $25.

Exclusive Content
kaptest.com affiliates can also request to host kaptest.com content on their sites. However, Kaplan retains the right to approve the use of the content and the placement prior to its use.

Promotions and Special Offers
kaptest.com always runs exciting promotions for our customers. As an affiliate, you can extend our promotions and exclusive offers to your visitors. In fact, some offers will only be available through our affiliate network.

Public Relations Opportunities
Kaplan is well-known for promoting success stories. If you are a successful kaptest.com affiliate, we may choose your company for special promotional and public relations opportunities.

Join Today**
Don't delay. Start enhancing your site and your bottom line by becoming a kaptest.com affiliate today.

Simply fill out our online registration form. You will be automatically approved into the program. You will be given information on how to obtain links, place them on your site, and check your stats, all through Linkshare.

*The Return Day Feature is enabled through the use of cookie technology. If the user disables the cookie, the Return Day Feature will not be applicable to that particular user and KAPTEST.com will not be able to track and pay a commission to the appropriate affiliate upon a return.

**Employees of Kaplan Inc. are not eligible to become affiliates.
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